Clinical Fundamentals: The Hemodynamics of HF

Plenary - Human iPS Cells: From Precision Medicine to Clinical Trial in a Dish

Opening Remarks, Awards, and President's Address

New Horizons in Nutrition in HF

Excellence in Translational Research – HF- A Systematic Storm : Organ-to-Organ Cross-Talk From Pathophysiology to Innovative Therapeutics

Transitioning Patients Out of the Hospital and Keeping Them Out (Joint Session with AAHFN)

Diagnostic Biomarkers and Imaging for Myocarditis and Non Ischemic Cardiomyopathies (Joint Session with Myocarditis Foundation)

The Systemic Effects of Continuous Flow Physiology

The Prevention of HF (Joint Session with AHA)

Navigating the Slippery Slope of Advanced HFS: A Look Beyond the Usual Suspects